Sunday, May 16, 2010

Youth Spectacular - 10 Stake Practice (time change)

May 22nd -  8:00 am 
at WHS Football Field

Saturday, May 1, 2010


 May 1st (Sat):   Church on 1700 N 
                           9am - 11am
 May 18th, (Tuesday):   large field behind church on 1700 N
                                       6:00 pm  (for specialty groups)
                                       6:30 pm (all others)
May 22nd, (Saturday):   WHS football field  (with all 10 stakes)
                                       8-11:30 am

Saturday morning Practice

Arise and Shine Forth!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Extra practices:
For those that have missed or just want to review:
April 15th  5:30-6:30 pm  
May 1st  9:00-11:00 am
Both practices at church on 1700 N.

Friday, March 19, 2010

"When You Look in the Mirror"

Do YOU see who He sees?......

A face that He loves, one who knelt at His feet.

Don't let His light ever pass you by, lift up your head, and clear your eyes.

        When you look in the mirror do
       you see who He sees?

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Another successful practice. 
Lana White presenting "The Plan".


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Remember and Return

We made it successfully through our second practice.   We are so excited and appreciate everyones efforts in this grand adventure!  The music is available to download from